
Since its inception in November 2009 Kusamala has grown from a demonstration plot established during the 9th International Permaculture Conference to a local non-governmental organization operating in four districts and leading training and consultancies nationwide. This transformation occurred  through the support of organizations like Nature’s Gift Limited, the Scottish Government through the James Hutton Institute ,the German Government through Welthungerhilfe, and also the William Jackson Food Group.

We employ agroecology systems such as permaculture design to maximize land productivity, reduce the need for expensive inputs, and increase agricultural diversity to improve nutrition, food security, and livelihoods. In a country where 80% of the population are subsistence farmers, Kusamala demonstrates how locally available resources can meet human needs while improving quality of life for people and the environment.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision For all Malawian communities to have the ability and knowledge to creatively pursue their own path towards achieving food security and diversity, economic stability, and productive healthy environments.

Kuti midzi ya aMalawi yonse ikhale ndi kuthekela ndi chidziwitso chotsatila mwaluso njira zawo pofuna kufikila kukhala ndi chakudya chokwanira ndi chosiyanasiyana, chuma chokhazikika, komanso chilengedwe chabwino chopindulitsa.

Our Mission To demonstrate and advocate for low-input, income generating permaculture and agroecology systems; to extend these systems into local communities through education and outreach; and to research and evaluate their potential to improve Malawian livelihoods. To create a Malawian-run organization that is committed to improving organizational effectiveness through internal career development and specialized training that builds leaders in communities, policy, and government.

Kuwonetsela ndi kulimbikitsa njira zotsika mtengo, zopezela chuma za pemakacha ndi ulimi wosamala chilengedwe; kufalitsa njira zimenezi kuti zifikile madela akumidzi kudzela mu maphunziro ndi ntchito za m’midzi; komanso kuchita kafukufuku ndi kalondolondo pa kuthekela kwake potukula miyoyo ya aMalawi. Kukonza bungwe loyendetsedwa ndi aMalawi limene liri lodzipeleka potukula ntchito zake kudzela mu kuphunzitsa anthu ake wogwira ntchito, komanso maphunziro apadela owumba atsogoleri m’madela akumidzi, wokonza ndondomeko ndi malamulo adziko komanso boma.

Core Values

Kusamala Institute of Agriculture and Ecology is committed to:

  • Efficiency 
  • Sustainability
  • Commitment 
  • Self reliance 
Permaculture & Agroecology
Permaculture is holistic design system based on three ethics: to care for the earth, to care for people and to provide more equitable access to resources. By adhering to these ethics and using the vast store of information available to modern man, permaculturists strive to ensure that current and future generations will thrive on a healthy and diverse planet. Permaculture design can be applied to the design of agicultural and energy production systems, architecture, water and waste management, and much more.

Agroecology is the application of patterns observed in natural ecological systems to agricultural planning, design and implementation. Nothing is wasted in nature and by mimicking natural processes agroecologists are able to ensure that all available resources (water, soil fertility, carbon and nitrogen cycles etc) are used to their maximum potential, while enhancing the overall health of the whole.

By coupling Permaculture and Agroecology, Kusamala aims to link ecology, culture, economics, food and nutrition security to sustain viable farming communities.

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