Better livelihoods through sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation project (MW1061)

In December 2022, Kusamala started implementation of Better livelihoods through sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation project (MW1061) project in partnership with Welthungerhilfe with funding from Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). The overall goal of the project is to educate socio-economic impacts of the negative effects of climate change.

This 5-year project will benefit 2400 households as direct beneficiaries in 20 village forest areas around Philirongwe Forest Reserve within a radius of 5KM in T/A Nankumba, Chilipa and Mponda in Mangochi district. Philirongwe Forest reserve is a government designated forest reserve which faces major risks such as illegal mass charcoal production, encroachment, and cutting down of trees which are threatening its existence.

The project will rehabilitate all degraded areas in the 20 VFAs and develop participatory forest management plans and also look into hygiene and nutrition of the communities.


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