Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security for Young Smallholders in Malawi

Kusamala Institute of Agriculture and Ecology In partnership with the Welt Hunger Hilf (WHH) and Zankhalango with funding from The German Ministry of Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is running a 5 years project called ‘Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security for Young Smallholders in Malawi.’ The project utilizes principles of permaculture and agroecology to improve food and nutrition security of smallholder households with young parents. The goal of the project is to see 4500 family members of 900 smallholder households with young parents (about 60% being women) using the resources available to them optimally to feed their families, for income-creation and the general development of both the natural and cultural environment in Mangochi and Dedza Districts.