Upcoming Courses

Permaculture Design Course
About the CourseThe Kusamala Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) training follows the original certification course developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The 72-hour training is founded on Bill Mollison’s book, “Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual” and meets the internationally recognized requirements for certification. Participants that attend all sessions of the class and complete the final design project will receive a Permaculture Design Certificate.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to permaculture principles, applications, and design practices. The curriculum will address global environmental and social issues affecting communities throughout the world and across a variety of climate zones, however practical design implementation will be specific to the sub-tropical climate of Central Malawi. The goal of the course is to achieve a basic working understanding of ecological-based planning, site design, and management.
Course Topics
– Permaculture ethics and principles– Theory and methods of design– Understanding ecosystems– Pattern and systems thinking– Reading the land & understanding natural processes– Large and small scale land restoration– Water management– Soil management– Integrated animal systems– Intensive vegetable & fruit production– Food forests & plant guilds– Permaculture zones– Energy conservation technologies– Appropriate technologies and renewable energies– Integrated pest management– Local and urban permaculture– Permaculture and natural medicine
Who should take this course?
Anyone interested in having an inspirational and transformative experience. From gardeners and farmers to public officials, this course will give you the tools to find holistic solutions to your land use and resource issues. Learn how to spot patterns in nature and to work smarter, not harder. All are welcome and no previous permaculture training is necessary.
Suggested Pre-Course Reading & Watching-The Essence of Permaculture eBook (a summary of permaculture concepts and principles taken from-‘Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability’ by David Holmgren)-Patterns, Essay on pattern observation Soil- Great film about Soil Food Forests and Perennial Agriculture– Geoff Lawton’s Greening the Desert, Parts I & II Alternative Economic Systems– “Branching Out for a Green Economy,” a short animated film, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, highlights the role forests can play in national development, a green economy, and climate change. It also reviews the current situation and some transformative solutions.
Course Location; Lilongwe
Course Tuition: $650 Tuition includes lunch as well as morning and afternoon tea and snacks, instruction, and a Permaculture Design Certificate.
To register contact info@kusamala.org cc tiwonge@kusamala.org to sign up for the course. Or call +265 (0) 999 897 676
Beekeeping Course
About the course
This is a beginners course suitable for everyone interested in beekeeping. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about getting started as a beekeeper. By the end of the course, you will be ready to get started in your own beekeeping adventure.The course will include both class and practical sessions with Kusamala’s hives.
Who can attend?
-Anyone interested in learning about beekeeping-Anyone interested in understanding the benefits of beekeeping-Anyone interested in starting beekeeping enterprise-Existing beekeepers who want to broaden their understanding of beekeeping
Tuition:MK185,000.00 which includes lunch as well as morning and afternoon tea and snacks, instruction, and a Beekeeping Certificate.
To register email tiwonge@kusamala.org to sign up for the course. Or call +265 (0) 999 063 509