The Kusamala Team Visits Dowa District JANEEMO Site

The Kusamala Team Visits Dowa District JANEEMO Site

Molly, Eston, Gladson and Marie headed to Dowa district last week to visit one of our JANEEMO sites. Along the way we picked Brad Kindler, a Peace Corps Volunteer that will be helping Gladson organize the villages that will be participating in the project. As we drove...
Planting Begins in the JANEEMO Tree Nursery

Planting Begins in the JANEEMO Tree Nursery

As a part of our JANEEMO project, as well as the Centre’s general commitment to reforestation efforts, we began constructing a new and improved tree nursery this past May. We have spent the past two months leveling the ground in the nursery area and learning about...
Planting Begins in the JANEEMO Tree Nursery

Mtendere Co-operative Members Visit the Kusamala Garden

Every fifth Wednesday Centre staff and interns join our gardening team for a big planting day in the Kusamala Market Garden. We spend the day watering, seeding, and transplanting from the nursery. By the end of the day we have planted 25 of the 100 beds in our market...
Planting Begins in the JANEEMO Tree Nursery

Apprentices Collaborating to Expand the Memo Garden

In March of this year the Kusamala Demonstration Centre welcomed its first apprentices, Edward Nkhata and Joseph Kaipa, sent to us by the Methodist Church. They have spent the past four months at the Centre, working side by side with our staff, learning from our...
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