Permaculture: Not just a gardening method, a thinking tool

Dueling PDCs

For the past two weeks, Kusamala has been up to its eyeballs in Permaculture Designing. Northwest of the centre, in the classroom at the end of the market garden, nine people from the Lilongwe Wildlife Center (LWC) are participating in a Permaculture Design Course led...
Permaculture: Not just a gardening method, a thinking tool

Keeping Soil in its Place

In Malawi, studies estimate that nutrient loss from soil erosion has resulted in a 4 to 25% loss in agricultural yields. Using a conservative estimate, this translates to a loss of approximately MK7.5 billion per year, or 1.6% of Malawi’s GDP. These models further...
Permaculture: Not just a gardening method, a thinking tool

“Eating is an Agricultural Act”

Wendell Berry never fails to make farming eloquent, while still reminding us that everyone is a part of the food system: eater and growers. Maize, cassava, soya, groundnuts, pigeon pea, pumpkin, sweet potato and shell beans!  All of these crops are thriving in our...
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