by kusamala | Jan 12, 2011 | General
Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to Afshan Omar who has dedicated the past six months to helping us develop an organic market garden as well as run an incredibly successful Green Camp. Afshan will begin the new year by leading the operations team at NGP as our new...
by kusamala | Nov 18, 2010 | General
With the rains blowing closer every day, it seems there is almost no time for good old-fashioned ‘paper work’ – or the odd blog update! The days at NGP have barely been getting longer (we have about 1 hour extra in the summer time!) but we are trying...
by kusamala | Oct 29, 2010 | Events
Due to low enrollment (its too hot!!!) we have decided to postpone the Weekend Gardeners Series until next year when the weather is more pleasant and when people are commited to their New Year resolution of eating healthy, non-toxic, locally produced food. A big thank...
by kusamala | Oct 27, 2010 | General
We are delighted to welcome to our team Adam Goldberg, a student intern from SIT Graduate Institute who will spend the next 8 months helping us to design the ideal organizational structure for business. Welcome Adam, we are looking forward to working with you and...
by kusamala | Oct 18, 2010 | General
Former intern Sam Baluti has written about the time he spent with us at Nature’s Gift Permaculture. His account has been featured on the Permaculture Research Institute website. Check it...