Yesterday the centre staff and their family members spent the day with Biswick in the third of six staff training days as a part of Kusamala’s partnership project with the Red Soil Project.

The day focused on soil management and Biswick started the morning with theoretical lessons on soil health and care. In the afternoon the groups participated in practical, hands-on learning by breaking into groups and making compost, manure tea, and comfrey tea. They then rotated between the groups, taking turns teaching each other about the different fertility techniques.

A group watering the layers of their compost pile

Enock, Kusamala’s head gardener, expressed his enthusiasm for the day’s lessons by saying, “It was excellent, we learned how to control the soil!”

After using compost and liquid fertilizers nearly every day in their work at the centre, it was about time that our staff learned the theory and reasoning behind organic soil management.

It was another exciting and motivational day for our staff, their families, and the entire organization.

For more information on this project, see our Home Demonstrations project page.

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